Dr. Satish Bendigiri
2 min readOct 30, 2017


Sophia, the humanoid robot is given a citizenship of Saudi Arabia. She is so humanlike that there is merely a difference between real human and an artificial one. The question pops up in the mind is whether this world is real or an illusion?

What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Remember a movie Matrix (1999)?
The plot involves Neo (Keanu Reeves), a mild-mannered software author by day, and a deadly hacker by night. He’s recruited by a cell of cyber rebels. They’ve made a fundamental discovery about the world: It doesn’t exist. The world is actually a form of Virtual Reality, designed to coax us to live of blind obedience to the “system.” We obediently go to our monotonous jobs every day, little realising that Matrix is the wool that has been pulled over our eyes — that we are a slave. The rebels want to crack the framework with the help of Neo that holds the Matrix in place, and free mankind.

The Matrix, showed that all these emotions, feelings and thoughts we take for granted as ours might not actually be ours. It questioned the reality in a world that human kind’s thoughts are controlled by simple electronic pulses distributed to our brains by…artificial intelligence. The movie made its audience question the reality of the world we are living in. What if this world is simply another matrix or what if when the day comes, after all the evolutions in AIrtificil Intelligence , will they be able to possess us as the same way as in The Matrix?

Or whether the whole world is Maya(illusion)? Concept of ‘Maya’ appears in Vedanta and Upanishads which are nearly two and half thousand years older than ‘copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics’ that gave more fancier name to it — ‘superposition’.

What we see , What we hear, What we smell , What we feel about world is not true! .. Its illusion. World varies from people to people.

We are dependent on basically 5 senses. So As per human, World is limited only to those 5 senses.

There are millions of millions of senses to evaluate the surroundings. Each sense have different output.

Dolphins world is different, lizard world is different, Dogs world is different , Your world is different, My World is different.

That’s why our ancestors labeled this world as illusion.

It is going to be challenging to differentiate between real and unreal in near future.