Dr. Satish Bendigiri
3 min readApr 8, 2017

How To Recognize Competent HRD Executives.

The Talent Hunter. - The company’s prosperity is directly proportionate to the people recruited. Sometimes it is very arduous for the bellwethers to hunt outside their area, for thetalent when growth is visible. And here the HR role as a recruiter becomes crucial. They act as a brand ambassador for the company, while advocating the company and selling it to the best aptitude available. Company may have a great product but as an employer you may not be that venerated. The HR comes to the rescue by composing policies which are rewarding and fair place to work while designing fascinating and achievable jobs.

The Strategist - HR people design the operation of the company at the employee level so that results are distributed the way you opiate.. If your competitors are investing in technology and going ahead with the price and product quality, HR strategy will avail the company to bring in the aptitudes required to beat the competition. Not only bringing incipient aptitude but retaining them by proving their staunchness and exuberance as you shift for more preponderant automation. HR will incentivize employees to embrace technology and make it work for them by designing incipient reward strategies. This ascertains that business is not dented by the loss of Aptitude.

The Guardian of Reputation. - HR forfends your business' reputation in the market and facilitates evading the licit overheads when unsatisfied employees start suing the company. HR is best advisor in this issue to managers as to how to solve the disputes and bring both the parties to amicable solutions while resorting to licit angles and policies, as well as preserving the sanctity and dignity of the company. A disunited employee who is gratified while breaking up will accolade the company rather than deplorable mouthing it on sundry platforms and tarnish the image of the company. HR is authentically the savior and preserves time,money and reputation of the organization.

There are three essential traits the HRD specialist has: (1) He has a vision and is able to strategize. (2) He has certain core values and ethics. (3) He is prepared to stand up and be counted.

In addition these are the essential competencies the HRD specialist has. He or she is/has:

1. A positive person with a positive attitude towards people in general. That means good listening, being optimistic, having faith in others and approaching issues with an open mind.

2. A high desire to learn. Someone who thinks he has all the answers is an inveterate bore and an incompetent fool or both. He thus cuts off all feedback.

3. Has a genuine interest in people. The surest way to go up the ladder is to create his/her own replacement and this comes from competence and confidence. This comes if one is genuinely interested in helping people to grow.

4. Has the willingness to sacrifice personal goals for larger organizational goals. This means having a high extension motivation..

5. Willing to take risks, be proactive and take initiatives. A ship that fears going out to sea tend to rot on the shore and not fulfill the task it was built for!

6. Able to persevere and have patience. She/he must not mistake stability for inertia and embrace the latter. There must be an innate restlessness to make things happen.

7. A communication expert. This does not mean having an Oxbridge accent but being able to listen, understand and carry one’s views across with conviction. If he/she cannot communicate all his other skills will fall by the wayside. Hence all managers must be good communicators. He /she knows that an n HRD person who cannot communicate is dead weight.

8. Has a degree of self-respect and self-confidence, which will enable him/her to be objective in approach and professional in conduct. One who does not respect others cannot have respect for him!

9. Able to lead by example and lead from the front. This means walking your talk and putting your money where your moth is. Believer in discipline and self-sacrifice.

They know that T V Rao rightly calls them a missionary i.e. one who has a clear mission and is committed to it. One cannot be a perfect HRM specialist without being a specialist in HRD. This function assumes even more importance in the knowledge-based industries in this new age of the intellect.

Dr. Satish.